FAQ's about Child Care Provider Selection


The child care provider will be selected through an open request for proposals process.  A provider will be selected by May 13th.   

Loma Ridge will have an on-campus child care program providing before and after school care and full day programs when school is not in session. 

When can I enroll my child at the Loma Ridge child care program?  

 An exact timeline will be available after June 1.  Once a provider is selected and the registration timeline is available, it will be posted on the Loma Ridge website at: https://lomaridge.iusd.org/  

What will the tuition rate be?  

The tuition at the new site will be set by the provider.

If my child is currently enrolled at another Irvine Child Care Project after school site, can I reserve my spot in that program until I have a guaranteed spot in the new program?

Any registered participant at another Irvine Child Care Project after school site can retain their afterschool care by following existing procedures and timelines at that program to maintain their spot in addition to registering at the new program as soon as registration is available.  

Will there be childcare for TK and Kindergarten?  

There will be before and after school care for Kindergarten.  There will be before and after school care for TK if IUSD operates a TK program on the Loma Ridge campus.

How many childcare spaces will exist?

It is anticipated the Loma Ridge Elementary before and after school program will be licensed for a maximum of 115 children, but the final determination is up to the State Department of Community Care Licensing upon final inspection.  


  •  Before, After, During School - September through June; and 

  • School Holidays - All official IUSD School Holidays except the following:   Thanksgiving, and the day after Christmas Eve and Christmas Day New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day Presidents’ Day  Memorial Day  Independence Day Labor Day Veteran’s Day 

  • School Vacations  

  • Summer - Beginning on the third business day after the last day of the IUSD School year and continuing through the fourth business day before the first day of school as designated by IUSD. 

  • Winter and Spring Breaks - Beginning with the first IUSD vacation day and continuing as designated by IUSD. 

For additional information please contact Traci Stubbler at (949) 724-6635